The Culture | Season 10 Episode 3

Duration: 22:35 | Views: 0 | Likes: 0

Executive Producer(s): Tatiana Robinson and Kendall Onley

Director: Kendall Onley

Show Hosts: Tatiana Robinson and Kendall Onley

Package or Segment Name(s):

Special Report: Yvanna Bollanga
Keeping Up With Washington: Kelsey Walker, Justus Johnson
The Roundtable: Melanie Lowe, Kayla Davis, Nzinga Barnette, Brianna Johnson
Hella Shade: Asia Chester, Jalaiya Cunningham, Tajsha Wilson
Athletic Aesthetic: Darryn Groves, Kendall Murphy
Word on the Street: Monica Rollins

Talent Show, Semester/Year: The Culture, Fall 2022

Caption: “On the third episode of season 10 of The Culture, Special Report celebrates Black joy by discussing Hulu’s new “The Hair Tales” which is described as a love letter to Black women. Keeping Up with Washington talks about the launching of a federal civil rights investigation into Mississippi’s handling of the Jackson water crisis and protests erupting at LA City Hall. Hella Shade dives into the 2022 Soul Train Awards nominees and brands ending relationships with Kanye. The Roundtable keeps the Kanye conversation alive by discussing whether or not we should forgive celebrities for offensive outbursts, especially if we know they have struggled with mental health related issues in the past. Athletic Aesthetic discusses both the NBA and Canes’ upcoming basketball seasons while Word on the Street talks to Canes about which type of character they would be in a horror movie.”